Feb 17, 2011


This morning Kaylin woke up at a groan-inducing 5:45am. Call me spoiled, but she usually sleeps till 8. I guess it was her excitement to wish me a happy Birthday. I dunno. She's a clever girl.
Anyway, after her early breakfast, we took a little snooze. On his way back from the gym, Daddy stopped to photograph the Mother-Daughter moment.

After our birthday breakfast as a family, we went to KayRu's check up. Here's the stats:
weight: 11 lb, 5 oz, 10th percentile
length: 22 3/4 inches, 5th percentile

She's a tiny, petite thing. Genetically it makes no sense. Who'da thunk my child would be slight. I'm just glad she's in any percentile.
OK. That's that. Chatty tonight, aren't I?

Feb 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day


Cutest Purple People Eater ever...

...who is apparently ok with eating burp rags also.

Kaylie recently figured out how to play with the tray on her swing. She lifts it with her foot, drops it, lifts it, drops it. This continues until she falls asleep. Baby cardio.